Saturday, October 31, 2015

Unhappy Halloween

Lopez's baby's mom blocked us from receiving messages we send her regarding his son yesterday.I have decided to publically plead to her in hopes that she reads this and has a change of heart! 

Dearest Baby Lopez's Mom,
We appreciate the fact that you may be very angry right now, but we were hoping you might find it in your heart to allow Junior to take his son out with us trick or treating tonight? We will make sure he stays warm & bundled.We even had a little hat made for him to keep his little ears toasty! We can pick him up and drop him off or we can give you gas money.We will also send him home with diapers and wipes for a week or two and anything else you may need for baby.Thank you for considering, as you haven't allowed Lopez to see his son since he has began legally pursuing custody (over a month) and he really misses him!
Yours Truly, Baby Lopez's Dad and family